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Designing With Daylight

Good design always considers sun and light and it can completely transform a dull, flat space. It’s more than just a way to see; at 27acres we believe it’s a vital ingredient in creating vibrant, healthy, and welcoming spaces.

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Why Natural Light Matters

Designing for the sun is critical for several reasons:

  • Science tells us we feel more energetic and happier on sunny days. That same effect can be enhanced within our homes through considered design.

  • Using natural light means you not only rely less on artificial lighting, but a good design will use less heating in the winter and less cooling in the summer

  • Light can make spaces look bigger, brighter, and more inviting, it can also emphasise depth and details worth calling attention to.

Designing for Maximum Sunlight

At 27acres we begin every design with a site and a north arrow, and thanks to the advances in technology, we model the exact coordinates of each site, so we know and can verify exactly how the light will interact with your spaces year-round.


Orientation is Key

One of the first things architects consider is the orientation of the building. Usually, you want to position your main living areas, to get the most sunlight throughout the day, and into the evening. If breakfast in the sun each day is important to you, then we make sure to make this happen too.


Summer and Winter

The sun is higher in the summer and lower in the winter, something we always take advantage of. For example, in a cool-temperate climate, it might be nice for the sun to reach a window seat for 8 months of the year, but through good design, we block the heat and sun at its peak.


Reflective Surfaces

Light travels in straight lines, and light colours often have higher reflectance values to bounce light around a room. This can be particularly useful in rooms with limited windows. Or when using design techniques to create spaces that push the light deeper within.


Light and Shadow

Screens add depth to the exterior and create interesting and playful shadows within. This can add a sense of dynamism to a space, and often at a very low cost.

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Designing with light is about creating spaces that feel good to live in. The best homes aren’t the largest or most expensive. They amplify sun and light and utilise this totally free asset within the home. If you have a project you want to discuss, reach out to us today. At 27acres we are happy to discuss your project in detail and assist you in creating a design that works for you.

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